Leaders play a vital role in leading by example and providing a conducive environment
Physical activity benefits hearts ,bodies and minds.
Healthy plate: 1/2 vegetable & fruits+1/4 each whole grain & protein+Small healthy oil + Water
10 best practices- leadership at all levels, employees, communications, planning and resources
Mission, communication, visibility, support, evaluation and resources show leaders commitment
Eliminate, substitute, redesign, educate and encourage to address worker safety and health
Employers address social determinants of health through awareness, accountability and action
Context, relevant targets, activities, goals, resources and monitoring are key for wellness
You move towards your vision of health and wellness supported by your certified health coach
You can optimize health assessments with biometric screenings and adapt to COVID-19 challenges
Leadership, communications, policies, built environment and community are essential for CoH.
We can do better than this, people don’t have to die in pursuit of their pay cheques